
Model of Society

The Individual

The family, community and society must be run my role models who pride themselves in having good personal and social principles that creates cohesion amongst the people. Morality based on sound ethics will bind the people into a fabric of unity. The role model will either be single or married, man or woman with ethical marital ideals, that reflect a higher state of morality.

The Family

Strong role models will lead the family and create cohesion and respect. The wife shall be cherished, the husband will be respected and the children will feel accepted.

The Community

The community will be founded on strong families and led by role models. The more of these families the greater the social cohesion in the community.


A strong society is led by strong communities with strong role models. Society will be led by individuals who have a low crime record. Good ethics based on the individual shall bind society together in a positive cohesive structure.

The State

The state must be led by democratically elected role models, who display good social and moral principles. These will form a government of the free people. Members of Parliament are in service to the people and governed by the law of good principles. The foundation of government will be liberty, freedom, unity and peace regulated by good principle of law.

The public should be governed by a government in which all who choose may stand. Their policy must be based on good principle. Members of Parliament must put the public ahead of business interests. They must deliver justice to the people based on good principle. They must govern by a law to protect public interests. Decisions must not be influenced by a sole business bias. They must not compromise public freedom in favor of any organization or individual against what is in the public's interests. The state must not coerce unprincipled ideas but proliferate freedom, liberty, justice in the name of the people.

The state will enforce law in the public's interest according to the principles of good governance. Members of government may not surrender public interests in favor of personal gain or bias.

Law and Order

The law must be enforced on the basis of good principles. The law protects the citizen and government must seek the consent of the people.The law must regulate government and will concern itself with with any threat against good governmence and protect the public from corrupt individual and organizations.


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